Does social distancing save you from coronavirus?

Does social distancing save you from Covid-19?

social distancing
Social distancing

Social distancing is obviously a physical distancing, which definitely will save you from coronavirus. Moreover, it is not an emotional distancing. Social distancing is not easier since socializing is vital in our life. Getting rid of our routine activities definitely will affect our emotional concern.

We are living in the worst situation of the peak demand for our life because of the covid-19 outbreak. Every individual's life is valuable and should be saved from the deadly novel virus the covid-19.

What is social distancing?

Social distancing is a practice that is implemented by health authorities to control the risk of spreading the contagious disease.  Social distancing is cancelling public gatherings such as election campaign, cinemas, theatres, sports event, religious ceremony, festivals, the crowd in supermarkets and malls, public transport, gyms, parks and schools. It is also known as non-pharmaceutical infection control action.

Why social distancing is very important?

It is found that the virus spreads through human contact. Not only a large gathering but a small gathering also can be the cause of a virus outbreak. The large droplets of an infected patient affect a healthy person easily when the infected person sneeze or cough.

Moreover, when a healthy person contacts a contaminated surface where the virus dwells also affect the healthy person. Medical officers say that the virus can live on a surface for 7 to 10 days. Social distancing is intended to reduce human contact to slow down the spread of the novel virus.

In addition, the symptoms of positive coronavirus may not appear instantly when a person infected.  It takes 2 to 14 days after the infection. Hence, the infected person unknowingly will be the cause of the wild spread of the virus.

What can we do during social distancing?

Work from home

Many corporate companies and organization implemented work from home. The task and project are being assigned to its employees to work at home. It helps to avoid human contact in the office and travel.

Study at home

A school is a place where a large number of students gather. If any student affected, it will massive threat to the school community. Students can be taught through online teaching classes which are available on the Google platform. Teachers can teach and monitor the students’ assignment using ICT. Nowadays, ICT technology has been evolved enormously.

Maintain friendship

Instead of visiting friends and relatives, we can have a touch with social media and telephone with video calls. We can strengthen our friends of friends and the relationship of our relatives through this platform. In addition, we can give awareness and guidance to our friends and community through social media.


We can avoid visiting provision stores and markets frequently. We should plan and make a shopping list for a minimum of 14 days.  Grains and cereal items can be stored for more than one month. And the perishable items such as vegetables and fruits also can be stored for a minimum of one week.

Physical Fitness

Jogging and running in the street or playground should be avoided. Instead, exercise in a balcony and living room also can be done for our physical fitness.


Using public transport should be avoided as far as possible. Very nearest shops and stores can be used for shopping for necessary things. 

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