When the coronavirus was first discovered?

When the coronavirus was first discovered?

when was coronavirus discovered
When was coronavirus discovered?

Coronavirus was discovered 

This is a question people might have forgotten to ask in this panic situation. According to internet sources, the coronavirus was discovered in the 1960s first time. The latest emerge was discovered in China in December 2019.

In earlier days, the viruses affected human as well as birds and animals. It was named as human coronavirus 229E and OC43. Later, other viruses were identified in this family. They were SARS-CoV in 2003, HCovNL63 in 2004, HKU1 in 2005 and MERS-CoV in 2012. 

The word corona originated from the Greek word which means crown or wreath. Significantly, the latest arrival of the virus is known as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2), which was known as 2019-nCov at the end of the previous year. As a result of SARS-Cov-2 the deadly infectious disease appeared which is known as COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease 2019).

Covid-19 is a Pandemic Disease

A significant number of people have been being affected by severe respiratory tract infections because of these viruses worldwide. On March 11, 2020, the WHO has officially declared that the COVID-19 is a pandemic disease.

Covid-19 Strikes China

On 17th November 2019, a 55-year-old man was with severe respiratory disease and the coronavirus detected first time in China. Later, a large number of people were affected with pneumonia in Wuhan which is one of the densely populated cities in China. And this outbreak was reported to The World Health Organization (WHO) China on December 31st 2019. 

An outbreak in all over the World

At present, 210 countries and territories around the world were affected by the deadly coronaviruses. The recent report says that about 2,428,274 coronavirus cases were identified worldwide. Furthermore, 166,126 deaths were recorded. The news: there are more than 636,723 recovered from this disease is mitigated this panic condition. At the latest, 1,625,425 active cases are there till now.

Symptoms of Covid-19

  • Running nose, 
  • sore throat, 
  • cough, 
  • fever  
  • difficult 

Better Safe than Sorry

As there is no vaccine to prevent this coronavirus, we can reduce the risk of the rapid growth of spreading the virus. We should clean our hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand rub or soap with clean water. When an affected person cough or sneeze the droplets which contain coronavirus pass through mouth, nose and eyes of others. So it is strongly advised to cover mouth and nose with mask or cloths and own elbow. Moreover, keeping a distance of 1 meter or 3 feet is recommended to prevent this coronavirus. People do a handshake as courtesy formally or affectionately. So, the Indian way of greeting Namaste is appreciated instead of a handshake. Since the coronavirus exists on a surface for a long time it could pass through the handshake.

Unfortunately, there is no specific medicine has been found yet. However, the supportive care of a medical team can help the patients breathe.

If anyone feels the symptoms of coronavirus, need to seek the immediate help of a medical team or report to local health department at once.

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