A Simple idea on ESL Reading Comprehension for beginners

A Simple
idea on ESL Reading Comprehension for beginners

A Simple idea on ESL Reading Comprehension for beginners
A simple idea on ESL Reading Comprehension 

Reading is one of the main learning skills for ESL learners. I would like to give a simple idea on ESL Reading Comprehension for beginners to improve vocabulary, grammar, and English language proficiency. 

As reading is an art, it is very important to improve the language of English quickly. Moreover, ESL reading develops other language skills speaking, listening, and writing. As we know the reading methods skimming and scanning play an important role in ESL reading comprehension.

Benefits of ESL reading comprehension

English is a foreign language to ESL learners. However, ESL learners are very eager to learn English as this language plays a vital in society or the professional environment. First, the reading helps beginners to build vocabulary. Secondly, it helps to improve grammatical knowledge. Very importantly, reading helps to improve writing.

Therefore, these simple idea on ESL reading comprehension for beginner definitely helps ESL learners to improve their reading skill. Here, I would like to write some ideas for ESL reading comprehension for beginners to improve different areas such as vocabulary, grammar in the English language.

A simple idea for ESL Reading comprehension in preparation

How can be prepared for ESL reading comprehension? First set a goal. A goal is needed for all the activities to start. You have to establish goals for reading comprehension. 

Secondly, focus on the questions. What type of question was given there? Check whether 'Wh' questions or 'Yes or No questions. Mostly, wh and yes or no questions will be there for short answers. Make sure what type of question they are. 

Then, use previous knowledge to make predictions related to this topic or the information text. It is easy for younger children to predict the information based on the pictures whereas older children can predict based on graphics and illustrations.

Finally, find out the gist statements and key vocabularies. This will help you to be prepared for ESL reading comprehension. If you are a beginner to ESL reading comprehension.

A simple idea for ESL Reading comprehension in using different strategies

Several important strategies can help ESL reading comprehension for beginners. You can start the reading comprehension with questions and ask yourself and answer questions about reading. Next, summarizing is one of the several strategies. Second, using graphic organizers will help you to get an overall understanding of the passage. Finally, use text characteristics to aid comprehension such as heading, bold type etc. The note-making strategy will help you get a gist of the information given in the passage. Another important strategy is frontloading which is pre-reading any background knowledge and vocabulary it makes successful first reading. For example highlight new vocabulary words,  direct connections with background knowledge, preview picture to make predictions

A simple idea for ESL Reading Comprehension for beginners in Vocabulary

While reading the informational text or fiction, find the new words in the text and underline them or highlight them, Next, find the meanings and definitions using dictionaries and make a sentence of your own using the vocabulary.

A simple idea for ESL Reading Comprehension for beginners in Grammar

This is the most important part of reading skills. First, find simple sentences and find compound and complex sentences. Then, find active and passive voices and analyze how it used and whether it makes a formal style. Now, you find direct and indirect speeches in the given passage. Finally, find parts of speech (noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction, and interjection).

I hope these ideas for ESL Reading comprehension for beginners will help to improve their language skills in the English language.

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