Inauguration Ceremony Speech

 Inauguration Ceremony Speech

Inauguration Ceremony Speech prepared by Justin Singh Wilson
Inauguration Ceremony Speech

Prefect board, clubs and uniform bodies’ inauguration ceremony speech

Honourable chief guest ……………..……….., Respected principal and deputy principals,  leading teachers, teachers, parents, school board members and my beloved friends!

Very Good evening to you all!

I would like to extend my warm wishes to all the selected people as leaders who possess the new responsibilities as captains, vice-captains, secretaries and representatives.

Here, I am extremely glad and delighted to stand in front of you on this auspicious and special occasion of this inauguration ceremony to give a short speech.

First I would like to quote an extract from Donald Mc Gannon’s which says, "Leadership is an action, not a position." Yes, of course, it is obvious leadership is an action to guide others to achieve the target. Today some of us got a chance as leaders in one of the school clubs and prefectorial board. The responsibilities are given to us to show in action towards optimistic way. Moreover, the leaders should be a model to others in participating and encouraging extra and co-curricular activities. The leaders should inspire others.

Secondly! I would like to encourage all the students to use the opportunity. This is a golden time and an opportunity to equip ourselves as dynamic and energetic students in this school. Dear friends! Here we can enhance our talents in different sectors. Hence, I request and encourage all the students to participate in all the extra and co-curricular activities to enhance their talents in language, subjects and sports.

Thirdly, I would like to say that if we succeed to govern ourselves, continuing to learn, persevere and working well within a team, if our work is not guided by morality and ethics, our success even if achieved, will be empty. I would like to say that we should not allow our desires to succeed, to dull our moral and ethical sense or to blind us to injustice and abuse. We should be responsible citizens and make it our duty to concern ourselves with the moral dimension not only of what we do but of the way we assess what is going on around us. Stick to our principles and have faith in the strength of willpower and determination.

We have the potential to have a positive influence on society, for remember – small does not mean insignificant. There is a saying in English: 'Mighty oaks from little acorns grow', meaning of course that great things can come from small beginnings.

Here I conclude with a quotation of Beth Revis, "A leader isn't someone who forces others to make him stronger; a leader is someone willing to give his strength to others so that they may have the strength to stand on their own."

Thank you.

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